Escentric Molecules

Molecule 01 (100mL)

  • $162 USD




Molecule 01 consists of the molecule Iso E Super pure and singular. Iso E Super is a molecule that hovers close to the skin to create an indefinable aura around the wearer. It is characterised by a hyper-modern cedarwood note with a velvety sensation. Perfumer Geza Schoen explains its allure: "Iso E Super is one of those skin-sexy scents that makes you want to nestle into it. It's comforting, cocooning."

  • Iso E Super has a marked intermittence. To the wearer, it seems to vanish and then re-appear. This is due to the way it bonds with receptors in the olfactory system, only slowly releasing to make way for a fresh charge of the molecule on the receptors.
  • Iso E Super does not exist in nature. It was created in a laboratory at IFF in 1973.